Friday 25 October 2013

Media lesson - 25/10/2013

Media lesson - 25/10/13

After having lots of trouble trying to upload all of the clips we had filmed onto the Apple Macs, we finally managed to convert all of the files to MP4 meaning we should now be able to upload them onto the macs and start editing the footage then go back to the drawing board.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Filming - 22/10/2013

Filming - 22/10/2013

Today we started filming for the very first time, we tried to get as much filming done as possible, these include the car park scene, jogging scene and house scene. Next we need to upload all of the footage and starting the editing process. 

Thursday 17 October 2013

Film Poster and Film Magazine Ideas:

Film Magazine and Poster Ideas:
From all the research we had done on both film magazines and posters we knew we needed them to be very effective. With our new storyboard, we came up with these ideas:

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Pre Final Storyboard

Final storyboard

After re planning everything again, both me and Jodi finally came up with a basic storyboard for our trailer:

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Kidnapping Ideas:

Kidnapping Brainstorm

We knew we had to rethink of ideas as we didn't think the ideas or storyboard we came up with previously was strong enough and therefore wanted to build on our ideas. We went into more detail of our kidnapping ideas, including what the stalker would be like, the locations we could film at and the various kidnappings:

Monday 7 October 2013

Horror Trailer Brainstorm - Outline

Horror Trailer

Below we brainstormed the basic idea/outline of our horror trailer and the things we wanted to include, from the ways of being kidnapped to the settings:

Sunday 6 October 2013

The Call - Film Inspiration

Our Film Inspiration 
Crime/Thriller genre
When a veteran 911 operator takes a life-altering call from a teenage girl who has just been abducted, she realizes that she must confront a killer from her past in order to save the girl's life.

After realising the second storyboard wasn't going as well as we had hoped we then wanted to look at some more trailers in order to help pick out conventions that trailers use and help use some of them ideas as inspiration for our own. I saw this film at the cinema, I showed my group because I was really inspired by particular things they used and how real the whole film felt. Considering this film is in the crime/thriller genre, I knew it was similar to the genre we wanted to use and knew that we could gain a lot of ideas from this film trailer. From this film trailer we pulled out ideas ~ The car idea where the girl is nearly run over and is then taken as well as the kidnapping as a whole and the main female authority figure.

Saturday 5 October 2013

Second Storyboard - Poster/Magazine ideas

Film poster and front cover magazine ideas:

After starting our second storyboard, we then wanted to think of different shots we could include based on our ideas so far. The things we came up with are the following: 

Second storyboard

Second Storyboard

After our first storyboard, we wanted to keep the same concepts but add more detail and make it more into a trailer we started replanning the beginning of it to make it more like a trailer and less like a film opening.

Wednesday 2 October 2013


After getting stuck planning the storyboard we then wanted to start brainstorming again in order to gather all of our thoughts together and see if we could help ourselves think of more ideas for kidnapping. Some of the ideas we thought of are the following:

Tuesday 1 October 2013

First Storyboard Plan Attempt

First Storyboard Plan

After brainstorming all of our ideas we finally decided on a plot, the idea of this story board is it starts off as a break up between both a boy and a girl, after the girl tells the boy that she doesn't think it is working anymore, the boy then begins to get angry and because of this angry side he makes it his personal mission to make the girl pay. 

After this start of our storyboard, we then started to replan it and storyboard our ideas again: